Friday, January 26, 2018

Lower Pottsgrove Board Keeps it Short and Sweet

As a news professional, I would like to tell you that the 12-minute meeting of the Lower Pottsgrove Township Commissioners Thursday night was eventful.

Because then I would have something to report.

But as a news professional, I am compelled to tell you it was a snoozer.

Of some interest is the fact that the police department received permission to donate recovered bicycles to Liberty Thrift after they have been held unclaimed for a year.

They have eight and they are taking up space.

The board also tabled action on a "memorandum of understanding" with Police Chief Michael Foltz. The board held a closed-door executive session before the meeting that included discussion of personnel, so those two things may be related, but it's too early to tell for sure.

Vice President Stephen Klotz, who handled the matter because the police chief is the son of President Bruce Foltz, said he wanted to table the matter "to make sure to get the language right.

Otherwise, here are the Tweets, what few of them there are ....

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Busy working. How about economic development to increase businesses that can pay TAXES to help EASE the property taxes for homeowners! Is economic development even an agenda item? With new tax regulations we get an INCREASE from our TWP in spite of limitations on SALT. Thanks for disappointing.
