Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas Around the World in West Pottsgrove

West Pottsgrove Elementary School kindergarteners make their own Christmas cards.

Blogger's Note: The following was provided by West Pottsgrove Elementary School Principal Terri Koehler.

It has become an annual tradition at West for our kindergarten students to engage in a study of Christmas traditions around the world in conjunction with our literacy and social studies program. 

Each child receives a passport for their travel around the world as they visit the different countries they get a stamp in their passports. 

Each of the teachers teaches about a different country. During the course of the week, the children travel and visit a new country (classroom) each day. The
children get to spend time learning about the traditions in Germany, Italy, Sweden, England and Mexico. 

As they visit each country, they hear a story from that country, learn about the traditions and complete a craft related to that country. 

For example, when the children learn about England, they learn about the origin of the Christmas card. During the craft the children then make cards, which are then sent to the local police department. 

In Italy they learn about La Befana and make an ornament to take home and share with their families.

The goal of this activity is to provide the children with a sense of how other cultures celebrate the holidays. It also allows for the children to work with all of the kindergarten teachers. 

It is a fun way to tap into the natural excitement of children at this time of year while providing an engaging learning activity at the same time.

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