Thursday, May 5, 2016

A Quiet Night on Pottstown Council

As my loyal Twitter followers know, both of them, I was not at Pottstown Borough Council's meeting last night.

And yet here are the Tweets from the meeting, as if by magic.

Not magic, dear reader. Technology.

That and a willing Tweeter, in this case intrepid Mercury Reporter Eric Devlin.

Convinced that the council agenda suggested a earlier night than covering a special Pottsgrove School Board meeting at which a replacement board would be chosen from among four, Devlin gamely stepped into the breach.

As I listened to the Pottsgrove candidates talk about themselves, I noticed with great delight on my Twittering device that, true to tradition, Eric was Tweeting the council meeting.

That means you, insatiable devourers of borough news, will be satisfied -- at least for today.

Without further ado, here is Eric's take on a Pottstown Borough Council meeting.


1 comment:

  1. What about the street lights 200 block of high and Charlotte st lot?
