Friday, July 5, 2013

Telling the Storify of Pottstown's Fourth of July Parade

Even though I wasn't supposed to be working, I could not resist Tweeting, Touting and Texting video, photos and witty remarks from the sideline during yesterday's Fourth of July parade down High Street. Here, if I have been successful, is a "Storified" collection of some of those.

Marcia Levengood: TV Star
Now, since it would appear that the links to the "tout" videos are not live here in a storify format (sometimes, I think we don't even speak English anymore) I will post a link to my Tout channel here, so you can watch those videos too. Some of them are quite cute, if I do say so myself.

Finally, as the dying battery on my iPhone, which I foolishly forgot to charge the night before, gave up the ghost, I quickly grabbed the phone of a perfect stranger (to whom I happen to be married) to get this photo of Fourth of July Committee Co-Chairperson Marcia Levengood being interviewed in Smith Family Plaza by the film crew from the "Brew Dogs" TV show.

If, like faithful Mercury subscriber Levi Wolf, you just happened to have missed the wonderful story I wrote for Sunday's Mercury explaining what exactly the Brew Dogs float and TV show were all about, shame on you.

Here's a link to the story explaining it all.

Here is a link to one video I sent out through Twitter, for which the Storify links may not work. Be warned, the hill these marchers had to climb was very steep (almost 90 degrees, and that ain't farenheit!).

(Keep your eyes peeled for a guest appearance by frequent Digital Notebook contributor John Armato!)

To all those who joined me along High Street, here's hoping you enjoyed the parade as much as I did.

To all those who weren't there, you missed a good parade.

Happy Day-After-Independence-Day everyone.


  1. Very nice parade. Did I miss the Soap Box Derby truck? They usually have a flat bed truck with the racers on.

  2. Now that you mention it Michael, I didn't see it either.

  3. The announcer seemed to think my son's quarter midget was a soap box derby

  4. Evan, you tweeted a picture of a CAT Loader on a trailer. Most people don't realize that the loader has a link to Pottstown. I work at US Axle Inc. on Shoemaker Rd. and Cat is a major customer of ours. And by comparison, that is one of the smaller loaders we make parts for. Just thought you would like to know.

  5. You highlighted the parade well. But, from the sidelines watching, I had a pregnant woman on my right smoking throughout, and a few other folks on my left smoking on and off. Meanwhile, there are my kids, and many other children sitting there watching the parade, and inhaling second hand smoke. Also, kids with limited supervision, leaving every candy wrapper, and chip bag they ate during the parade all over the curb.

    The parade started about a half hour late. What was the reason for that?

    Your view of the parade is what I want to remember, but I won't. I have to decide if I take my family to another town's parade instead of our own from now on.

    1. Sorry about the smoke and the mess.

      Good luck finding a parade close by at which no one smokes and all the children are well-behaved.

  6. I see my beefs seem trivial to you. Continued success on your tireless reporting on Pottstown. It is appreciated.

  7. Take no offense. Not trivial, universal. My point is I see behavior like that everywhere. Just seems that when it happens in Pottstown, it gets magnified into something more.
