Thursday, July 25, 2013

Proud to be from Pottstown (Part 1)

Writing Award winners from Barth Elementary School.

Blogger's Note: Once again, spinmiester John Armato has provided us with insights into the goings on in Pottstown schools, in this case, essays written by students about why they are "Proud to be from Pottstown. Look for Part 2 coming soon....)

When Pottstown School District conducted its annual writing award contest sponsored by the local McDonald’s restaurants, the theme on which the students were asked to write, was reflective. 

Students from kindergarten through eighth grade were asked to write about why they were “Proud to be from Pottstown.”

Rupert Elementary Principal Matt Moyer, who serves as the coordinator of the annual event, said, “Our partnership with the McDonald’s restaurants has helped our students develop a greater understanding of writing techniques and has given them reason to do thoughtful thinking. This year’s topic allowed students the ability to show why they are proud of their home town.”

Marcia Graham, speaking on behalf of herself and her husband Bruce who are the owner/operators of the local McDonald’s restaurants, said, “We are always energized by reading the student essays and are glad to
Pottstown Schools Superintendent Jeff Sparagana, left, 
and Marcia Graham, owner of the local McDonald's franchise.
play a small role in helping to develop the skills that they will need to become successful adults. Their expressions of pride in our community reaffirm our belief that we are proud to be from Pottstown.”

The following are the expressions of “Pottstown Pride” from students in kindergarten and first grade:
  • Angel Jones – Barth Grade 1 – I am proud to live in Pottstown because you can meet new friends. You can play at the playground and go to the water park. You can go to celebrations like parades and fairs. I am proud to be a student at Barth because you can be Barth’s Best. You can be “caught doing good.” At Barth we do pledges, read, learn about vowels and write. I am proud to be Me because I have a heart and brain. My heart lets me have feelings and my brain lets me learn and become smart. I also have a mom, a dad and a brother that I am proud of.
  • Regina Fleming – Edgewood Grade 1 – I am proud to live in Pottstown because I like the Pottstown Hospital. When I had bronchitis the doctors there helped me. I got better. The doctors are nice because they gave me warm socks and they let me play in the playroom.
  • Riley O’Brien – Franklin Kindergarten – I am proud of Pottstown because of school. Learning is fun. I also like the library. I like to take out books to read.
  • Denajah Bailey – Franklin Grade 1 – I am proud to be from Pottstown because of my friends, family, school and teachers. I love my teachers so much. Over break, I read and read and read to make them proud.
  • Aniah Smith – Lincoln Kindergarten – I am proud of my school because they keep us healthy and safe.
  • Ricardo Scott – Rupert Grade 1 – I am proud to be from Pottstown because I like this school because it is big and safe. I like my home because it is big and safe.

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