Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Pottstown Middle School Students Walk the Walk to Bring Fresh Water to Thirsty Village in Africa

Pottstown Middle School students participated in a walk-a-thon around the track on a recent Saturday morning to raise money to supply a Sudanese village with fresh water.

Before coronavirus closed out schools and focused our attention on getting food to Pottstown's school children, Pottstown's school children were focused on getting water to a parched village in Africa.

Pottstown Middle School students in Christine Hall's fifth grade class spent a cold windy Saturday morning in March walking around the track at the school district's stadium to help raise funds to supply a village in the Sudan with fresh drinking water.

Inspired by a book they read, “A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park, Hall’s fifth grade class hosted a walk-a-thon with the goal of raising $1,000 to support building a well to bring clean water to a village in the Sudan. 

Their hard work paid off as they exceeded their goal by raising $1,606.50. 

"I am very proud of our students who were moved to action when they learned that villagers in the Sudan must walk miles carrying water cans in order to meet daily needs for drinking and washing, a convenience the students enjoy by simply turning on a sink faucet," Hall said. 

"Instead of sleeping in on a cold Saturday, they gave of themselves to help make a difference in the lives of people they may never meet," she said. "What more reason do you need to say Proud to be from Pottstown?"

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