Thursday, March 19, 2020

Here is the List of What Can Stay Open in PA

Blogger's Note:  Our thanks to state Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-146th Dist., for providing this list.

When Gov. Wolf announced earlier today that non-life-sustaining businesses in Pennsylvania must close to contain the spread of the coronavirus, one question rose to mind -- which businesses can stay open and which can't.

Here is the list, provided at his own suggestion from state Rep. Joe Ciresi, D-146th Dist.

This was sent to us by PDF, which I cannot embed in this blog, so I had to convert each of the five pages to jpg format, so bear with me.

This was the fastest way. And I'm sorry if it's hard to read. This was as large as I could make it.

Here is the first page:

Here is the second page:

Here is the third page:

Here is the fourth page:

Here is the fifth page:

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