Monday, December 21, 2020

More Holiday Light Displays in the Spotlight

Photo by Evan Brandt
This holiday lights display off River Road in South Pottstown is truly a sight to behold. Below is the same vantage point with the lights in a blue mode.

It was inevitable.

I knew as soon as I posted a blog post about remarkable holiday light displays; that others I had missed would be pointed out to me.

That's OK.

If you're telling me I have to go out and look at more light displays at Christmas time, I can live with that, so long as I can find the time.

I found some Saturday and followed up on a tip to go visit a home on river Road in South Pottstown, facing the park and ballfields there, I remembered as soon as my wife and I got there that I had been here before years ago.

It was certainly worth the visit. Have a look:

Not only do the lights change color in sync, there is even a speaker playing holiday music to enhance the experience. That section of River Road, which ends in a dead end, probably only sees the amount of night-time traffic I saw there Saturday at one time of year.

We also took a drive through other streets between the river and route 422 and my hat is off to the folks who live on East Main Street. The vast majority of homes there had light displays of all types and the street is very bright and cheery.

Not to throw any shade, but a cruise down West MainStreet was, by comparison, pretty dark ... just sayin'

This home at the corner of Beech Street and Rosedale Drive in Pottstown is always in the above-and-beyond category of holiday light displays. Below is what most of us who drive down Beech Street see when we stop at the stop sign.

And while we were out, I realized we should take a spin by one house in the borough that is always above and beyond. You've probably seen it, at the corner of Beech Street and Rosedale Drive.

Every holiday, the property blazes with the appropriate colors, to the point that my more technologically savvy son pointed out that they are probably programmable LEDs and the owners do not have to put the lights up and take them down to put up a new set every holiday.

Whatever their method, the result is inarguably remarkable.

Feel free to share other suggestions of holiday displays worth visiting.

1 comment:

  1. Moved to California 3 years ago, missing my friends in PA. This makes me feel like I'm home again, just for a few minutes. so thanks for this!
