Thursday, July 16, 2020

Pottstown Area Police Announce DUI Effort

Blogger's Note:
The following was submitted by the Pottstown Police Department.

The police departments in the Pottstown area are planning to intensify their efforts to enforce DUI and alcohol related crimes. 

Over the next week the multi-jurisdictional DUI enforcement team will be conducting at least one sobriety checkpoint operation. Police plan to reduce the number of DUI related accidents by deterring potential drunk drivers.

The enforcement team, commonly known as “Team DUI” will apply ample enforcement of all liquor law violations. This will address the problems of underage consumption, along with the purchase of alcohol by minors.

Officers from Pottstown, Douglass (Montgomery County), East Coventry, Limerick, Lower Pottsgrove, North Coventry, New Hanover, Royersford, Upper Pottsgrove, Upper Providence and West Pottsgrove will be participating in this Team DUI activity.

Please plan to designate a driver before you drink.