Saturday, January 5, 2013

Honors at the Address

Members of the Pottstown Middle School Junior National Honor Society had lunch in Gettysburg's Dobbin House after hearing director Stephen Spielberg speak about Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address on its 149th anniversary.

Blogger's Note: This one is a little old, but no less relevant as the film "Lincoln" continues in some movie theaters.

Members of the Pottstown Middle School Junior National Honor Society recently paid a visit to an address in Gettysburg Pennsylvania to take part in the 149th Anniversary of Dedication Day commemorating the historic address given by President Abraham Lincoln.

Noted filmmaker Steven Spielberg gave an electrifying keynote speech about President Lincoln and the significance of the Gettysburg Address.

Junior National Honor Society sponsor Lois Sanders said, “knowing that we were in the same spot where Abraham Lincoln shared his short but powerful Gettysburg Address was an incredible experience for our students. Adding to the significance of the day, students were able to observe a Naturalization Oath Ceremony where a dozen individuals became United States citizens.”

The trip also included visiting a portion of the Underground Railroad and learning firsthand about history. 

Students capped their day off by dining at the historical Dobbin House for lunch.

Students attending included: Ashley Adams, Dylan Brandt, Chris Brown, Victoria Eckerd, Emily Greiss, Brandon Heller, Jacob Howard, Emily Iezzi, Khaleah Jeter, Khalif Jeter, Sara Levengood, Megan Mace, Alexis Martin, Katie McCoySwinehart, Kyli McKee, Casey Mest, Autumn Motto, Coral O'Brien, Angelique Olvera, Dereck Paskings, Kenil Patel, Tyler Paul, Tatyana Reed-Elliott, Austin Scavello, Cole Sellers, Giavanna Smith, MaSofia Sosa, Alysha Soto, Chris Stone, Heather Swanson, Hunter Taylor-Williams, Seth Vogt, Lauren Yednock.

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